Of course there is no limit to speak on the gentlemen Almashshin owners of the most important minds and Talaat jokes on them because of the intrigues conspicuous against them and describe them with the fleets but not your idea of them through the nicest jokes funny hymns die of laughter because it is hard Jokes group new rigid and some of them Jokes and Egyptian jokes and hacking Others are Saudi jokes, some of them married and other married men from different parts of the globe.
It is then jokes about the Almashshin who is on the right side of the need .. So the most beautiful jokes funny new funny in 2016 die of laughter, but I go in it from the noise.
«Application Features»
- Share jokes through Watsab, Facebook or any other programs
- Save any joke in your favorite to quickly return it via the menu
- Change the font size on the settings page
- Night vision: the feature of changing the background and application colors between black and white